Como usar Jenkins con SSL / HTTPS

Teño un servidor Fedora executando Jenkins que instalei a través de yum. Todo está ben, podo acceder con el

Pero agora quero acceder a el para O inicio de sesión con nome de usuario e contrasinal está cifrado.

Como podo facer isto?

O seguinte é o meu ficheiro /etc/sysconfig/jenkins. Iniciar Jenkins funciona, pero non podo acceder a Jenkins co navegador web con ou, …

## Path: Development/Jenkins## Description: Configuration for the Jenkins continuous build server## Type: string## Default: "/var/lib/jenkins"## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Directory where Jenkins store its configuration and working# files (checkouts, build reports, artifacts, ...).#JENKINS_HOME="/var/lib/jenkins"## Type: string## Default: ""## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Java executable to run Jenkins# When left empty, we'll try to find the suitable Java.#JENKINS_JAVA_CMD=""## Type: string## Default: "jenkins"## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Unix user account that runs the Jenkins daemon# Be careful when you change this, as you need to update# permissions of $JENKINS_HOME and /var/log/jenkins.#JENKINS_USER="jenkins"## Type: string## Default: "-Djava.awt.headless=true"## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Options to pass to java when running Jenkins.#JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"## Type: integer(0:65535)## Default: 8080## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Port Jenkins is listening on.#JENKINS_PORT="8080"## Type: integer(1:9)## Default: 5## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Debug level for logs -- the higher the value, the more verbose.# 5 is INFO.#JENKINS_DEBUG_LEVEL="5"## Type: yesno## Default: no## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Whether to enable access logging or not.#JENKINS_ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG="no"## Type: integer## Default: 100## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Maximum number of HTTP worker threads.#JENKINS_HANDLER_MAX="100"## Type: integer## Default: 20## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Maximum number of idle HTTP worker threads.#JENKINS_HANDLER_IDLE="20"## Type: string## Default: ""## ServiceRestart: jenkins## Pass arbitrary arguments to Jenkins.# Full option list: java -jar jenkins.war --help#JENKINS_ARGS="--httpsPort=443 --httpsKeyStore=/root/.keystore --httpsKeyStorePassword=MYPASSWORD"

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