# Meteocanción🎵🎶 15 de febrer: Fire And Rain (James Taylor)

Aquest tema de 1970 utilitza el fred, la pluja, el sol i el vent per a descriure tres moments personals en la vida del cantant. El primer és el suïcidi d’una amiga de la seva infància (Suzanne), el segon és la lluita per superar l’addicció a l’alcohol i les drogues i el tercer fa referència a un antic grup de què Taylor formava part en el passat (The Flying Machine ). L’autor fa referència a l’antagonisme pluja-foc i sol-fred per a descriure les llums i les ombres d’antigues experiències.

Paraules clau: fred, pluja, sol, vent

Dedicatòria: a la ciutat de Santander.

Efemèrides: tal dia com avui el 1941 una borrasca amb 951,9 hPa, la pressió més baixa registrada a Santander, va produir vents superiors a 150 km / h que van avivar un foc que consumir els edificis de 37 carrers.


Aspecte de la catedral de Santander després de l’incendi de 1941. Font: Wikipedia


Just yesterday morning, they let me know you were gone. Madame Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you. de l’I Walked out this morning and I wrote down this song, per I just can not remember who to send it to. a I’veu seen fire and I’veu seen rain. I’veu seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I’vei seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’D see you again.

Won ‘t you look down upon em, Jesus, You’veu got to help me make a estand. a You’veu just got to see em through another day.
My body’ s Aching and my time is at hand and I will not make it any other way. a Oh, I’vei seen fire and I’veu seen rain. I’veu seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I’vei seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’D see you again.

Been walking my mind to an easy time, my back turned towards the sun.
Lord knows when the cold wind blows it’ll turn your head around. a Well, there ‘s hours of time on the telephone line to talk about things to menja.
Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground.

Oh, I’vei seen fire and I’veu seen rain. I’veu seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I’vei seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, per but I always thought that I’D see you baby, one more time again, now.

Thought I’D see you one more time again.
There ‘s just a few things coming my way this time around, now.
Thought I’D see you, thought I’ d see you, fire and rain, now.

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