I Just Want To Hang Around You

Jo no puc resistir
El que em fas sentir a Jo vull estimar-te res més a només a tu a Per que la teva forma d’estimar i la teva manera de ser a Vull dir-te que ja compresos a que t’estimo a només a tu

i just want to hang around you a Every day and night a All of my life around you a Hang around you baby de l’I just want to hang around you a Everyday and night a All of my life around you
Hang around you

I get so Hypnotized a When I look in your eyes a Hold em close a Hold em

I get butterflies a When I’ma right here by your side de l’I need your touch a Can not get enough a Love me a All you got to see is

Vull sempre estar amb tu
Enamorats tu i jo a Enamorats tu i jo a al costat de tu jo vull estar amb tu a sempre a sempre amb tu

Vull sempre estar amb tu a Enamorats tu i jo
Enamorats tu i jo a al costat de tu jo vull estar amb tu a Si empre amb tu a Spending every moment of my life a Within your gaze a Your forever love a To have you and to hold you a So you never ever need your crystal ball to know where I’ll be a Always stay around you boy a Around you boy a Oh de l’I just want to hang around you a Hang around you a All night babe a Ah holding you tight

I just want to hang around you de l’I just want to hang around you boy a Every night a Every day a Till the morning a All night babe

Jo Serg Get funky now

Come on a Come on a I just want to hang around you de l’I wanna hang around you a and love and hold and squeeze you all the time a All the morning light

jo vull estar amb tu a tu baby
estimant-te a tu i jo a jo vull estar a jo vull estar
Amb tu a tu a Oh
Sempre a Jo vull estar a Amb tu a tu a Oh
Sempre a Oh
Jo vull estar a Jo vull estar a Amb tu a tu a Oh
Sempre a Sempre

You a Because I want you baby a Oh

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