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El debat sobre l’absència de socialisme i l’excepcionalitat nord-americana, es s’ha basat en la comparació amb una Europa abstracta i ahistòrica. El present article aborda aquest debat des d’una altra perspectiva, a l’plantejar la comparació històrica amb un altre país “nou” i anglosaxó en els seus orígens: Austràlia entre 1788 i 1914. Amb el segle XX el laborisme australià arribava a el poder i el socialisme nord-americà fracassava a crear un tercer partit, que desafiés l’hegemonia de Republicans i Demoóratas. No obstant això, tots dos països eren objecte de l’atenció europea pels seus assoliments socials i polítics, aconseguits sense qüestionar el capitalisme ni la democràcia. /// The debat on the failure of socialism in the USA and the exceptional nature of the Latter has Previously been based on a comparison with an abstract and ahistorical Europe. This article takes up the discussion from another stance, proposing a historical comparison with another “new” and originally Anglo-Saxon country: Austràlia between 1788 and 1914. At the beginning of the 20th century, Australian labourism came to power while American socialism failed to create a third party able to challenge the hegemonia of the Republican and Democratic parties. Both countries, however, caught European attention through their social and political successes, which were achieved without questioning either capitalism or democracy.

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Since 1988 Història Social has published latest research on rellevant issues and has offered dossiers of particular interest. The rigor in the selection of articles, the level of the Collaborators, and the attention to current trends has made Història Social an important reference in the fields of history and social sciences.

Publisher Information

Fundacion Institut d’Història social was founded on March 13, 1995. It is a private, nonprofit foundation whose purpose is to promote and disseminate related studies in the field of social history. It accomplishes this through from the editorial work and outreach and through collaboration with various academic institutions in the organization of courses and seminars.

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